if you set a steel door in your home, and you think that you cannot change the look of the door because it is not made of wood. this makes no sense, you can change your steel doors into any color just by using simple steps to alter the staining process to suit the metal. you need to be patient to ensure that the process works out correctly.
clean your door with water. then the door dries completely. if you need you can hasten the process by cleaning down the door with a clean rag. you can leave the door in air-dry for 15-20 minutes. you can put the door in place while you clean after that stain it. but if the door is extremely wethered and will take more than a day worth of work to clean, you may wish to remove it from its hinges and place it on sawhorses
rub your steel door with sandpaper. you are not focusing on beauty here. you need to make little bit scraches and egdes for the primer must be edging to adhere to. then with sandpaper in one hand and "buff" the door with it so you can see scratches on the surface of the door.
the third step is to prime the door.put oil-based primer on your paint tray and roll it in carefully. all that scratches and edges will let the primer stick to the steel door and will make a good coating in for the finish stain to come. allow the primer to dry overnight.
the last but least step is to stain the door. apply the latex into your paint tray, and carefully roll on the top coat. if you like it already stop there and allow the stain to dry for about 24 hours. after the stain dries completely you may notice blotches or unevenness in the stain. if this occurs put a second coat